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Accounting all-in-one for dummies

A book by Kenneth Boyd, Lita Epstein, ISBN 978-1118758007

If you are a number person, today is your lucky day! Accounting jobs are on the rise. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the industry will grow by 11% above average through 2024. start a career in accounting.

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Accounting all-in-one for dummies by Kenneth Boyd, Lita Epstein

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Accounting all-in-one for dummies book PDF free download

Accountants don't necessarily live lonely lives behind bank desks. This field offers opportunities in auditing, budget analysis, financial accounting, managerial accounting, tax accounting, and more. You can take advantage of this with accounting all-in-one for dummies

Made from top-notch content selected from several previously published books. It will help you succeed in the niche you want to carve out in the wonderful world of accounting. You also have free online access to quizzes for each section of the book.

annual financial report make smart business decisions Financial fraud audit and detection Handle cash and make purchasing decisions Free access to online thematic quizzes

If you are a student studying the application of accounting theory, or a professional looking for a reliable and valuable desktop reference, this book has you covered. 

Accounting all-in-one for dummies PDF reviews

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #1

The book is very nice and the description of the item matches the reality - I have nothing else to add - I like the item very much

Accounting all-in-one for dummies PDF review #2

We've got you covered. I bought this book because I wanted to review it. And everything is well explained and easy to understand. I deduct one star because the topic is too deep to understand and you may have to read it several times. Except everything is really good. A must have for every accounting/business student!

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #3

Purchased for a future LLC startup. I skimmed pretty low. It makes sense to include noon, so use this part when setting up for business. would buy again

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #4

Good information. My only complaint is functionality. To make matters worse, the Table of Contents is unreadable in the Cloud Reader side-by-side, and the Table of Contents links only work in one direction on the Kindle version.

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #5

This info series is good info for dummies like me. This information will come in handy if you decide to start your own business or move forward with your current job/career where you have to deal with the ugly side of business.

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #6

I got this book to understand the basics of accounting and pass the CIA exam. I passed (done!) and understood the accounting process much better than before.I keep this book on my cube at work and refer to it often. Accounting is no longer foreign and scary to me. 

Accounting all-in-one for dummies PDF review #7

I just finished accounting and was really struggling to understand the process. I ordered this book hoping it would make things easier. It didn't work for me, but that doesn't mean it won't work for others.

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #8

Very informative. I recently became an accounting tutor. This is great for brushing up on some accounting topics I haven't studied in years (yes, funny, accounting tutors order dummy book accounting). But it refreshes my memory and packs a lot of content for a not-so-expensive price tag. Worth buying!

Accounting all-in-one for dummies PDF review #9

The author goes back to accounting principles and explains why accounting is done the way it is. After that, we will carefully explain how to make books and how to make ledgers and accounts. It helps you learn process and terminology at the same time.

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #10

I recently became an accountant, so I took this job for reference. I quit because I hated management. Anyway, I think it's a great book.

Accounting all-in-one for dummies PDF review #11

I am studying accounting and want to refresh/learn during summer vacation. I've read the first chapter so far and it's similar to what I learned in class. I'm just curious how well it will teach you something you haven't learned yet.

Accounting all-in-one for dummies review #12

I thought it would be useful for my class, but in the end I could only find YouTube and Google. However, since I need to rely on these issues and may need a simplified version for easy reference, I decided this was a good investment for my future. 

What is Accounting: explained for dummies

How are your relationships with your accounting department and accountants? Perhaps you struggle to find a common language with them and, as a result, you regularly have work conflicts? Or maybe you, as a contractor, constantly feel the hostility of the chief accountant, and your bills are paid in the last place for some reason? Or maybe the conflicting demands of the company management and the chief accountant lead you into a deadlock, as a specialist in the implementation of a software product, and you do not understand what to do with it? Then this article is for you.

The fact is that financial flows, including the approval of contracts and payment of invoices in small and medium-sized businesses are very often in the hands of the accountant. The owner (manager) of the business delegates authority to the accounting department when it comes to everything related to finances. The reasons are obvious - the manager's employment, the need for documents to be drawn up competently in terms of accounting and tax reporting, and, after all, the need to directly perform certain actions related to the payment of bills. All this turns out to be the responsibility of the accounting department. And if you fail to find a common language with the accountant, you are guaranteed to have problems with signing documents and paying bills.

In addition, when implementing any accounting system, you are bound to encounter primary accounting. You will need to understand how the work of the primary documents is organized in the company, and how interaction with the accounting department (obtaining documents for customers, information on payments, etc.). And here without the friendly assistance of a specialist accountant you run the risk of a lot of difficulties, misunderstandings, and as a consequence, rework and rework. And, of course, the dissatisfaction of the customer.

This article can also help company employees, such as system administrators, service engineers, or sales specialists to establish a proper and effective relationship with the accounting department.

There are two types of accounting in any enterprise:

Managerial. Necessary for internal control and decision-making by the management of the organization. Examples include personnel changes, decisions on the purchase of equipment, strategic planning for business development, etc. Regulated. This type of accounting is used for reporting to the government. This includes accounting, statistical and tax accounting.

What is accounting?

If you start studying reference books and documentation, there are many definitions of accounting. For example, Wikipedia offers this:

An accounting department is a staff-structural unit of a business entity designed to accumulate data on its assets and liabilities.

In textbooks, instead of a brief but difficult to understand text, you will find entire chapters devoted to this definition. But for the non-specialist, they don't make it clear either.

In fact, the accounting department is responsible for the following areas:

Accounting; Tax accounting.

In fact, the day-to-day activities of the accounting department are related to the proper execution of documents showing all movements of funds and assets. And the ultimate goal is reporting to the state: tax, financial and statistical.

Internal reporting and management accounting can be done without accounting entries, documents and reports of a certain pattern. At the same time, reporting to the state is strictly regulated. This is the main function of any accounting department.

The accounting department

Here I will not look at the separate subdivisions subordinate to the accounting department - the financial and HR (human resources) departments. In terms of issues with accounting, these departments cause the fewest problems.

The financial department deals strictly with the flow of funds, and interaction with it rarely raises questions. Often developers and technical specialists do not intersect with it at all.

The HR department, although it belongs to the accounting department, but it is, in fact, a separate unit with its own accounting automation systems and other features. HR is more of a management accounting.

The core staff of the accounting department is divided into two disparate entities:

Chief Accountant. The rank-and-file composition of the accounting department.

It is impossible to consider the work of any accounting department without considering the chief accountant. Moreover, it is the chief accountant who is the key figure, as he is personally responsible for the correct and timely reporting to the state.

On how the chief accountant understands its responsibility and determines the degree of personal control over the flow of documents, including primary, directly depend on all the features of the accounting department and its interaction with other departments.

The ordinary members of the accounting department in matters of organization of work and interaction with various specialists are involved only as subordinates, slave employees. And they do not play any special role in building an effective cooperation with the accounting department.

It would seem that the organization of the work of other units is built in a similar way. In fact, this is not entirely true. For example, in the sales department in addition to the responsibility of the head for the effectiveness of the work as a whole, there is the personal responsibility of each manager for interaction with customers. At the same time, there are not as strict rules and clearly defined responsibilities of the head of the subdivision. And therefore a lot more initiative, different approaches to work, etc. are allowed.  

It is important to understand that in medium and small business two people are responsible to the state for the activities of an enterprise, reporting, and the payment of mandatory contributions (tax and social) - the head of the company and the chief accountant. We will talk about the manager later, but now we will focus on the chief accountant.

Chief accountant

So, the chief accountant is a manager who is responsible not only to the company's management, but also to the state. On this basis, chief accountants usually build their work on the basis of these approaches:

Because the chief accountant is personally responsible for reporting, and the reporting is based on primary documents, which the sales department deals with, it means that the chief accountant has every right to monitor the work of the sales department and put pressure if there are difficulties with the documents. Chief accountant at some stage of document processing appoints his own person, i.e. one of the accountants. And already an employee of the accounting department controls the correctness of the current primary document flow. For example, commercial offers and internal documents (reserving goods, customer orders) are created in the sales department using any convenient system. But the invoice, expense commodity, transport, tax documents, acts of work performed and other similar documents may only be written out by an employee of the accounting department.

The main disadvantage of the first option - all accounting in the company is concentrated around the interests of accounting. Automation systems are used, designed primarily for accounting and reporting to the state. As a result, the company loses out on management accounting.

In accounting programs, there is no separation of "Leads" and "clients", no documents such as "order to supplier", "request (order) of the buyer" or "commercial offer". As a result, you can not keep track of all stages of work with customers, you can not generate reports in many important for analysis of performance reports, etc.

The second option also has its disadvantages:

Responsibility is blurred. The accountant, who is busy writing out certain documents, often does not keep up with the actions of sales managers. As a result, he simply "turns a blind eye" to the fact that salespeople themselves form and send the necessary documentation. And then this specialist turns out to be an "extra link". To check all the paperwork, which is formed daily by a staff of salesmen, one accountant is simply not able to. And in the case of errors, he turns out to be "guilty without guilt. Management guesses about it. And to identify the culprit of failure and the losses associated with it becomes extremely difficult. Bureaucratic delays and lost profits. If the accountant is responsible, there are delays and difficulties in sending invoices and other primary documents to the customer. The customer was working with the sales department or service center, and suddenly he has to wait for the accounting department to issue an invoice. And the accountant may be busy with other requests and documents. The speed of work and the level of service decreases, i.e. the company loses (misses) profits.

There is another option for the chief accountant, which I think is optimal: the accounting department does not interfere with management accounting.

In this case, accountants deal exclusively with accounting documents (write powers of attorney, control the correctness of the documents and the availability of the necessary originals with seals and signatures). That is, the accounting department exercises general control over the part of the document flow that is required for reporting, as well as issuing those documents that no one else can write out.

For the rest, management accounting and the current document flow are not within the sphere of interest and strict control of accountants. This allows the most flexible setup of automation systems for different departments, to get all the benefits of quality management accounting. And to date I have not met a better solution for the effective operation of the business.



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Accounting all-in-one for dummies reviews
Johnny Matteo Garcia Totonto

I also read other books by Kenneth Boyd, Lita Epstein but this one is probably the best - as for me! Surely Accounting all-in-one for dummies will be helpful for any business or management student
Accounting all-in-one for dummies reviews
Britney2002 Berkeley

It is a comprehensive (really) book - Accounting all-in-one for dummies by Kenneth Boyd, Lita Epstein really helps you to understand the topic
Accounting all-in-one for dummies reviews
Michele Weitzekker Paris

I suppose Accounting all-in-one for dummies is a super informative and insighful - Kenneth Boyd, Lita Epstein explained all the details in a perfect manner