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Cracking the PM Interview

A book by GAYLE LAAKMANN MCDOWELL (Founder and CEO, and JACKIE BAVARO (Product Manager, Asana), ISBN 9780984782819

CRACKING THE PM INTERVIEW: How to Land a Product Manager Job in Technology

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Cracking the PM Interview by GAYLE LAAKMANN MCDOWELL (Founder and CEO, and JACKIE BAVARO (Product Manager, Asana)

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How many pizzas can be delivered in Manhattan? How does one design an alarm clock for people who are blind? What is your favourite piece of software and why did you choose it? How would you launch an online video rental service in India if you were starting out today? This book will show you how to answer these types of questions and more.

Cracking the PM Interview PDF

Cracking the PM interview is a comprehensive guide to landing a product management role at a startup or larger tech company. Learn how to identify the right opportunity, how to prepare for an interview, and how to ace the interview itself. You'll learn how to craft a killer resume and cover letter, and how to answer every question asked during the interview. Finally, you'll discover how to master the art of the pitch, so you can convince your interviewer to hire you!

"Our goal for cracking the PM career is to be the guide that never was. This book shares the knowledge, frameworks, and practices we've painstakingly learned and honned over the years so that people can spend less time reinventin' the wheel. It dives into the mystery and ambiguity around career progression so that people can focus on the right things and reach their potential. And it connects the dots on how people can develop each important PM skill, so that mentors can point people toward actionable feedback."

Cracking the PM Interview book reviews

Cracking the PM Interview PDF review by WhatIReallyRead (Goodreads)

In order to get hired at Facebook, Google, or Amazon, you'll need to go through an interview process. Some companies may ask you questions about your background, others may ask you to write code, and yet others may ask you to solve problems. Regardless of how they choose to test you, the goal is the same: to see if you're qualified to work at one of these big tech companies.

Cracking the PM Interview ebook review by Kent (Amazon)

I read this book cover to cover and took notes. I recommend this to anyone who wants to get into PM interviews. I wish everyone good luck for their PM interviews.

Cracking the PM Interview PDF book review by Andrew Balyk (Goodreads)

This little book is a wealth of information for product managers. I recommend reading it, regardless of whether you are planning to have an interview or not. From this book you can "extract" a large number of new skills and techniques that will help you not only to improve your own work, but also to start enjoying it. Or remind yourself of long-forgotten things. The book nicely structures information and provides an excellent foundation for further learning.

Cracking the PM Interview ebook review by Pushkar Dongare (Goodreads)

This book is the perfect resource for anyone interested in learning about the product management profession. It provides an overview of the role, what it entails, how to prepare for interviews, how to write resumes and cover letters, how to navigate through the hiring process, and much more. Whether you're just starting out or you've already made it in the field, this book is a must read!

Cracking the PM Interview PDF review by Tatsiana Ostanina (Goodreads)

Amazing workbook for those who want to become product managers, project managers, business analysts, product owners, or any type of manager. The greatest thing about this book is that it has NO redundant information. Only the most significant facts and examples are included. It includes much useful advice and details about FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google) and other top tech companies (Apple, Microsoft, IBM). Good luck!






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Cracking the PM Interview reviews
strawberry12 Hu Pasadena

The concepts explained in Cracking the PM Interview PDF book are not the simplest ones. But however, GAYLE LAAKMANN MCDOWELL (Founder and CEO, and JACKIE BAVARO (Product Manager, Asana) is a higly-skilled in making such kind of material easy to understand and implement in practice.
Cracking the PM Interview reviews
Paul D. Milan

Cracking the PM Interview ebook PDF is a good option for a student. Personally I bought a hardcover version, my colleague has also purchased a kindle PDF version. GAYLE LAAKMANN MCDOWELL (Founder and CEO, and JACKIE BAVARO (Product Manager, Asana) is one of my favourite authors from now.
Cracking the PM Interview reviews
Steph Berkeley

I found this book very helpful - GAYLE LAAKMANN MCDOWELL (Founder and CEO, and JACKIE BAVARO (Product Manager, Asana) is a great teacher and writer. Probably Cracking the PM Interview is the one of the best on the topic