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Business Made Simple

A book by Donald Miller (Author, Narrator), HarperCollins Leadership (Publisher), ISBN

Is this blue Business Made Simple PDF book worth more than a business degree? Most people start out in life not knowing how to run a business. At times this can make them feel lost, or even like a fraud pretending to understand what they're doing. It's difficult to succeed without a clear understanding of business.

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Business Made Simple by Donald Miller (Author, Narrator), HarperCollins Leadership (Publisher)

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Business Made Simple: 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Productivity and More. 

New York Times and Business Week bestselling author, Donald Miller knew that business was more than just a good plan made profitable – it was a system of unspoken laws, rarely taught by MBA programs. If you were trying to profitably grow your company or career, you needed elite business knowledge - knowledge that created tangible value.

Even if you had the money, time, or access to attend one of the top twenty business schools, you would still be lacking the practical knowledge that propelled the best and brightest forward - knowledge that created tangible results. But there was another way to achieve this inside skill development, which could both dramatically improve your career earnings and satisfaction of achieving your goals - knowledge that I shared in my new book, Business Made Simple (PDF available).

Business Made Simple PDF

Business Made Simple is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to succeed in today’s fast-paced business world. Whether you're new to business or just feeling overwhelmed by the current economic climate, this book will help you get back on track. You'll learn how to make smart decisions, overcome obstacles, and build relationships that will last a lifetime. And best of all, you can do it all without spending a fortune!

Business Made Simple PDF review by Erick Mojica

This book was an enjoyable read. The best part was that it made me feel like I could apply these concepts to my own life. I struggled in selling and retaining personal trainers for a few years. I loved the idea of being a value driven professional. It meant that what I charged was about so much more than just a dollar amount. Sales were a difficult task before I got new perspectives from the book. This book helped everyone I've shared it with. From a high school intern to a business owner who's had his company for 20 years, we've all become better communicators, trusted guides to our clients, and valued professionals.

Business Made Simple PDF review by Hannah Holbritter

One of my top learning books, so much to learn and explained in simple terms anyone can learn. Whether you're working in business or not everyone should read this book. I highly recommend it!

Business Made Simple PDF review by N. Contreras

The best part about watching these videos is that they allow you to take them one chapter at a time, so you can digest the book one chapter per day. I would have liked to read the book in one sitting, but taking the time to watch the videos allowed me to think about each chapter and implement the suggestions and ideas I had for myself. I highly recommend this course.

Business Made Simple PDF review by Arthur S. Lima

This book is definitely in the top 10 of the best business books I've ever come across. Its best aspect is that it distills and simplifies the essentials about companies and businesses until concepts become perfectly defined actions, practices and goals.
I am structuring my company and it could not have come at a better time. I absorbed a practical, sequenced plan of what to do, why to do it, and what to expect.
I followed the trajectory of other entrepreneurs who know Donald Miller, and I was surprised by the speed and consistency of results in different types of industries. After making my website and presenting it to a few people, I received direct praise about the clarity, objectivity and quality of the message written there.
I followed his recommendations to the letter, and the other two books by the same author, and I am very optimistic!
Would recommend for small business owners and professionals, although for traditional careers it also adds immense value.
Donald Miller is brilliant in one respect: Clarity!
And again, it presented a lot of Skin in the Game, because the language of the book is clear, and the message of great value. Thanks!
I'm a fan of the company of the same name as the book!

Business Made Simple PDF review by Tony Stark

The book covers all aspects of being a successful professional: personal effectiveness, communication, teamwork, message delivery, marketing, sales, negotiations, and how a business operates. It is easy to learn the information and apply the tips. It is a short book but expanded somewhat because the main points are reiterated several times. Only one book you need to read, Donald Miller's Marketing Made Simple, because he has devoted two chapters to his previous books.


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Business Made Simple reviews
Margaret London

I also read other books by Donald Miller (Author, Narrator), HarperCollins Leadership (Publisher) but this one is probably the best - as for me! Surely Business Made Simple will be helpful for any business or management student
Business Made Simple reviews
Steph Wilde Milan

I suppose Business Made Simple is a super informative and insighful - Donald Miller (Author, Narrator), HarperCollins Leadership (Publisher) explained all the details in a perfect manner
Business Made Simple reviews
Henry Sansa Paris

Donald Miller (Author, Narrator), HarperCollins Leadership (Publisher) is the best! Business Made Simple is certainly a good one for MBA students