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Econometric analysis Greene

A book by William Greene, ISBN 978-0134461366

"Econometric Analysis" by Greene offers a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of econometrics, bridging the gap between social science studies and practical application. The book covers fundamental techniques, advanced models, and theoretical foundations, preparing students for real-world economic analysis. With a focus on both applied techniques and modern software tools, it equips readers to engage with contemporary econometric literature effectively.

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Econometric analysis Greene by William Greene

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"Econometric Analysis" serves as a bridge between social science studies and field-econometrics, offering an accessible graduate-level exploration of this ever-growing area. The eighth edition introduces students to basic techniques, diverse models, and underlying theories in econometrics, ensuring they can easily apply these concepts to real-world scenarios.

The book is structured for a one-year graduate course in econometrics for social scientists, assuming prerequisites in calculus, mathematical statistics, and an introductory econometrics course. Appendices provide self-contained summaries of necessary mathematical and statistical concepts, preparing students for the subsequent material.

Beginning with fundamental concepts like the linear multiple regression model, the book progresses through extensions including nonlinear regression, panel data models, generalized regression models, and systems of equations. Advanced topics such as estimation techniques (e.g., GMM, maximum likelihood), simulation-based methods, and modern applications like time-series analysis and discrete choice models are also covered.

The eighth edition reflects updates in the field, particularly in microeconometrics and time series analysis, aiming to provide a comprehensive yet accessible overview of econometrics. Emphasis is placed on both applied techniques and theoretical foundations, enabling students to understand and apply econometric analysis effectively.

The book's focus on practical application is evident, with extensive worked numerical examples provided throughout. Additionally, the text acknowledges the importance of modern software in econometric modeling and provides a list of widely used programs for further exploration.

Overall, "Econometric Analysis" aims to equip students with the tools and understanding necessary to engage with contemporary econometric literature and conduct meaningful analysis in the field. It balances theoretical rigor with practical relevance, making it an invaluable resource for aspiring economists and social scientists alike.


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Econometric analysis Greene reviews
Margaret Milan

I am surprised! Thank you William Greene for this outstanding book - Econometric analysis Greene is surely among the best
Econometric analysis Greene reviews
financeguy?2008 Sansa Berkeley

I also read other books by William Greene but this one is probably the best - as for me! Surely Econometric analysis Greene will be helpful for any business or management student
Econometric analysis Greene reviews
Katherine Delaware

Got a PDF Kindle cversion of Econometric analysis Greene - I guess a hardcopy would be better. William Greene is a top-level prefessional