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GMAT Foundations of Math

A book by Manhattan Prep, ISBN 978-1506249230

Designed for test takers in need of a refresher, Manhattan Prep`s GMAT Foundations of Math provides a user-friendly exam of basic math concepts essential to GMAT success.

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GMAT Foundations of Math by Manhattan Prep

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GMAT Foundations of Math comes with robust online resources, including a practice test, question banks, and interactive video lessons. Written by active instructors with scores in the 99th percentile, this guide was developed with the student in mind.

Designed to be easy to use for all students, GMAT Foundations of Math offers:

Over 700 practice problems for realistic review Easy-to-follow explanations of fundamental math concepts Step-by-step application of concepts to sample problems

GMAT Foundations of Math is an invaluable resource for any student who wants to solidify their understanding and develop their basic GMAT math skills.

GMAT Math Fundamentals is an easy-to-follow guide to mastering the fundamental math topics tested on the GMAT, including algebra, number properties, inequalities, exponents, fractions, divisibility, geometry, and more. Relearn the basics with clear explanations of concepts and reinforce your knowledge with hundreds of hands-on challenges. Boost your overall productivity, no matter what outcome you're aiming for! --This text refers to the alternate kindle_edition.

About the author

Over the past decade, Manhattan GMAT has grown from one dedicated tutor to a major test preparation company located across the country. Our philosophy is simple: we strive to help students achieve their goals by providing the best curriculum and the highest quality instructors. in branch. The Manhattan GMAT recruits less than 1 in 10 qualified candidates for its teaching positions, ensuring that each faculty member has years of experience and a 99th percentile score. Therefore, you can be sure that our books are developed by the best of the best. --This text refers to the alternate kindle_edition.


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GMAT Foundations of Math reviews
Britney2002 Milan

I am surprised! Thank you Manhattan Prep for this outstanding book - GMAT Foundations of Math is surely among the best
GMAT Foundations of Math reviews
Henry Alabama

I found this book very helpful - Manhattan Prep is a great teacher and writer. Probably GMAT Foundations of Math is the one of the best on the topic
GMAT Foundations of Math reviews
Katherine Weitzekker Washington

The concepts explained in GMAT Foundations of Math PDF book are not the simplest ones. But however, Manhattan Prep is a higly-skilled in making such kind of material easy to understand and implement in practice.