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Introduction to management science

A book by Bernard Taylor, ISBN 978-0133778847

Introduction to Management Science offers an accessible introduction to techniques and applications, catering to students with limited mathematical backgrounds. The revised edition features clearer organization, updated discussions on modeling processes, and optional Excel sections for computer-based solutions. Through clear explanations and practical examples, the book equips readers with essential skills for logical decision-making in both public and private sectors.

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Introduction to management science by Bernard Taylor

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Introduction to management science book PDF free download

Introduction to Management Science provides an accessible and comprehensive overview of the techniques and applications of management science. Written with students with limited mathematical background in mind, the book aims to make the subject interesting and understandable.

The author emphasizes management science not merely as a set of techniques, but as a philosophy and approach to problem-solving. In this revised edition, the text is organized with a clearer division between Deterministic and Probabilistic topics, offering a structured learning path for readers.

Key updates in this edition include discussions on the modeling process, featuring Break-Even analysis using Excel and Excel QM. Additionally, chapters now include optional Excel sections, allowing instructors flexibility in teaching traditional methods alongside computer-based solutions.

Throughout the book, the author illustrates concepts with examples and provides step-by-step explanations of mathematical techniques. While acknowledging the shift towards computer-based solutions in management science, the book retains a focus on fundamental mathematical principles, aiming to demystify complex topics for undergraduate business students.

Introduction to Management Science serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to approach decision-making problems methodically and logically. Through clear explanations and practical examples, readers are equipped with the skills to solve problems and make informed decisions based on quantitative analysis.

Introduction to management science 12th edition PDF free download

The twelfth edition focuses on the latest technological advances used by businesses and organizations to solve problems and leverages the latest versions of Excel 2013, Excel QM, TreePlan, Crystal Ball, Microsoft Project 2010 and QM for Windows. This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include media, website access codes, or printed inserts that may come with the hardcover book.


I needed a book for a college course. That was a good price compared to buying a book I don't want so I won't be keeping it and will sell it back for less than half what I bought it for just a few months ago. The book was in good condition, so no complaints


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Introduction to management science reviews
financeguy?2008 Milan

I found this book very helpful - Bernard Taylor is a great teacher and writer. Probably Introduction to management science is the one of the best on the topic
Introduction to management science reviews
Steph Sansa New York

No doubt Introduction to management science is a must-read for any entrepreneur. Many thanks Bernard Taylor for this book!
Introduction to management science reviews
Michele Weitzekker Delaware

Introduction to management science ebook PDF is a good option for a student. Personally I bought a hardcover version, my colleague has also purchased a kindle PDF version. Bernard Taylor is one of my favourite authors from now.