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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions

A book by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl, ISBN 978-1119706182

Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions

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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl

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In the ever-changing world of finance, a strong financial foundation is essential for success. However, due to the fast-paced and volatile nature of this world, no one has been successful enough to write down the lifeblood of the corporation's financial system -- namely, valuation -- in a comprehensive manner. Rosenbaum and Pearl respond to this need by writing a book that they wish existed when they were trying get into Wall Street.

Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions, Second Edition is a very accessible and authoritative book that covers the primary valuation methods currently used on Wall Street - comparable companies, precedent transactions, discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, and leveraged buyout (LBO) analysis - as well as mergers and acquisitions (M&A). These methodologies are used for determining valuation for public and private corporations within the context of M & A transactions, LBOs and IPOs, restructure, and investment decisions. The authors build a chronological knowledgebase and define key terms, finance concepts and processes throughout the book, including an organized M & A sale process, merger consequences analysis, and LBO basics. They also cover the fundamentals of LBO and M & A valuation, and the basics of M & A negotiations.

Further, the authors address the important of rigorous analysis based on trustworthy and attributable data sources. For example, in this book, they highlight various datasets and investment banking tools provided by Bloomberg, a leading provider business and financial data, information, news, research, analytics.

Investment Banking: Valuation, LBO and M&A book reviews

Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions review by Peter greer

"This book is not only a great guide to breaking into finance, but also a great resource for any graduate interested in learning about the field. Written by one of the top students in his class, this book covers all the important topics in finance. From the basics of accounting, to the intricacies of derivatives trading, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the financial world."

Investment Banking: Valuation, LBO and M&A review by Ivy

"This book is not only one of the best books out there for learning how to get into the investment banking industry, but also one of the best books ever written. In fact, if you're a college graduate who wants to start working in the field, then this is the perfect book for you."

Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions review by Curtis Chapin

"I majored in Finance while in college and currently hold a position in Financial Reporting & Analysis for a Fortune 500 Company. I understand a lot of the concepts behind investing, however I am by far not an expert. This book is the best combination of in depth analysis, without being too technical to not be able to grasp. It is not meant for the layperson, but rather someone who has a basic knowledge of investing and wants to learn more."

Investment Banking: Valuation, LBO and M&As  review by Anelise P. Oliveira

"One could not expect a better publication to get acquainted to this intricate subject matter and IINFO. It appears to be just the best reference source in this respect so far. Its thorough approach to all subjects involved brings the clearest and most detailed learning tool to all those who are interested in this complex topic today."

Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions review by BCM

"I'm in my early 30s, so I've only just started my career as an investment banker. But I already know that I'll never get anywhere without a good understanding of how the financial markets work. And I can tell you that I've tried dozens of books on the subject, but none of them really helped me learn what I needed to know. So I bought Pearl & Rosenblaum's second edition of Investment Banking, and I couldn't believe how much easier it was to understand."


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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
strawberry12 D. Ritz Washington

I am surprised! Thank you Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl for this outstanding book - Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions is surely among the best
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Johnny -1999 Berkeley

The concepts explained in Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions PDF book are not the simplest ones. But however, Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl is a higly-skilled in making such kind of material easy to understand and implement in practice.
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Britney2002 Wilde Paris

I also read other books by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl but this one is probably the best - as for me! Surely Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions will be helpful for any business or management student