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Life-Span Human Development

A book by Carol Sigelman, Elizabeth Rider, ISBN 978-0357373651

Life-Span Human Development explores the interconnected dimensions of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth, delving into critical theories and issues from infancy to late adulthood. Through an examination of prenatal development, age norms, and cultural influences, the book elucidates the contextual complexities shaping human trajectories. Drawing upon the bioecological model, it emphasizes the dynamic interplay between individuals and their environments, offering insights into evidence-based practices for optimizing developmental outcomes.

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Life-Span Human Development by Carol Sigelman, Elizabeth Rider

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Life-Span Human Development offers an expansive exploration of the various stages and facets of human growth and maturation. Delving into the intricacies of developmental psychology, the book navigates through essential topics, theories, and issues surrounding the evolution of individuals from conception to late adulthood.

The journey begins with an exploration of the fundamental question: How do we understand human development? It elucidates the concept of development as a continuum marked by systematic changes and continuities across physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains. Throughout the text, the interplay between these dimensions is emphasized, highlighting their interconnectedness and the influence of each on the others.

The narrative progresses through chapters dedicated to dissecting critical issues and theories of development, including the perennial debate of Nature versus Nurture. Here, the authors delve into the complex interplay between genetic predispositions and environmental factors, illustrating their impact on various aspects of human behavior and development.

An in-depth examination of the prenatal stage of development sheds light on the formative processes occurring before birth, laying the groundwork for subsequent physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth. From infancy through adolescence and into adulthood, the book traverses the milestones and challenges inherent in each life stage.

Key topics such as perception, cognition, language acquisition, personality formation, and social awareness are meticulously explored, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of human development. Additionally, the text examines societal constructs such as age grades, age norms, and cultural influences, underscoring the contextual nuances that shape developmental trajectories.

Drawing upon seminal research and theoretical frameworks, the authors introduce readers to the bioecological model of development proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner. This conceptual framework elucidates the dynamic interplay between individuals and their environmental contexts, offering insights into the intricate web of influences that shape human development over time.

Furthermore, the book delves into the methodologies and approaches employed in studying human development, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based practices in promoting positive developmental outcomes. From historical perspectives to contemporary research paradigms, the text equips readers with the tools to navigate the complex terrain of developmental psychology.

Life-span human development 10th edition PDF free

Filled with the latest research and live examples, Sigelman and Rider's LIFE-SPAN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 10th Edition provides a solid understanding of the overall flow of development and the key transformations that occur in each period of life. Written in plain, plain language, each chapter focuses on a development domain - such as cognitive or personality development - and tracks developmental trends and influences in that domain from infancy to old age. Sections on infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood are included. The text emphasizes theories and their application to help us understand development, focuses on the interplay of nature and education in development, and provides an extensive study of both biological and socio-cultural influences on life expectancy development. In addition, MindTap's digital resources offer educational solutions anytime, anywhere.

Life-span human development book summary

Known for its clarity, plain-spokenness, and grounded in current research, Sigelman and Rider’s text blends a topical organization at the chapters level and an age/stages organization within each chapter. Chapters focus on domains of development such as physical health, cognitive abilities, and personality traits and trace developmental trends and influences in those areas from infancy through old age. Each chapter includes sections on infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, late childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. The organization helps readers grasp key transformations that occur during each period of the life cycle. Other staples of the book include its emphasis on theories and how they apply to different aspects of development, and its focus on the interaction between nature and nurture in development and the influence of culture on individual differences. This edition adds new research on biological and cultural factors influencing life-span development and provides additional media resources designed to enhance your engagement with the material.

Life span Human Development is about the developing of human being'from conception to death. It highlights similarities as well differences in developmental stages, and it asks fundamental questions regarding why we humans develop as they do. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic or domain of development, such as physical growth, cognition, or personality, and traces developmental trends and influence s in that domain from infancy through old age.

What is life-span human development?

Life span development explores how we change, grow, and develop from birth to death. This field is studied by developmental psychologists who view life span development as a lifelong process. They study life span development across three developmental domains: Physical, Cognitive Development, and Psychosocial.

What is life-span in psychology?

Life span developmental psychology refers to a set of interrelated concepts and principles that emphasize the complexity of developmental processes occurring within historically changing contexts. According the this perspective, age graded developmental processes are markedly influenced by existing socio cultural conditions and by social change.

What is traditional and life-span human development?

The traditional approach emphasizes developmental change during childhood as well as adulthood. The life-span view emphasizes developmental change during adulthood. These two approaches can be seen as complementary rather than contradictory.

What is the focus of lifespan development?

How people grow and develop throughout their lifespans is the subject of lifespan development. Lifespan development is the study of how people grow and change throughout their lives.

About the authors

Elizabeth Rider

Elizabeth A. Rider is Professor of Psychology, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. She previously served on the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. She has taught courses in child and lifelong development, women and gender issues, applied developmental psychology, and genetic and environmental influences on development. Through a grant from the Pennsylvania State System for Higher Education, Dr. Rider Factors associated with academic success. She has published research on spatial awareness, orientation, and orientation in children and adults, and is the author of OUR VOICES (John Wiley & Sons), a book on the psychology of women. She received her bachelor's degree from Gettysburg College and her doctorate from Vanderbilt University. When not working she is busy with house and garden projects and two energetic dogs.

Carol Sigelman

Carol K. Sigelman is a professor of psychology at George Washington University, where she was also associate vice president for 13 years and department chair for four years. Previously, she served on the faculty of Texas Tech University, Eastern Kentucky University (where she won her college's Outstanding Professor Award), and the University of Arizona. In addition to teaching courses on child, adolescent, adult and lifelong development, Dr. Sigelman has published research on the communication skills of individuals with developmental disabilities, the development of stigmatizing reactions to children and adolescents who are different, children's emerging understandings of psychological illness and disorders, and distance parent-child communication in military families. A member of the Association for Psychological Science, she earned her bachelor's degree from Carleton College and a dual doctorate in English and psychology from George Peabody College for Teachers, now part of Vanderbilt University.

Life-span human development book Reviews

Life-span human development review by Ashlie [Amazon]

"I purchased this book for my psychology 122 class. I wish it was thicker so my highlighters wouldn't bleed through. But overall, it is a good quality book."

Life-span human development review by Rose M [Amazon]

"This book was easy reading, engaging, and in good condition. I was easily interested by the chapters. It arrived quickly and was a good sturdy hardcover."

Life-span human development review by Debora Furnans [Amazon]

"Im trying this for my final project and i am really excited about how it turned out. I think it will be great for my final project because im not sure what else i can do with it."

Life-span human development review by seas-white [Amazon]

"Just as described by customer. Book gives a great outline of various topics in psychology, makes a good reference."

Life-span human development review by Mckenzie Lacroix [Amazon]

"A brand new book comes with a code that allows you to download the digital version of the book. I paid $120 for a four month subscription to MindTap, which included access to the ebook of the book. MindTap is very helpful with learning the material in the book. If you're taking a class virtually, I recommend getting a subscription to MindTap instead."

Life-span human development review by Christine Johnsen [Amazon]

"Honestly, this book is better than Steinberg’s Lifespan textbook, so I guess I ranked it lower than I should have."


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Life-Span Human Development reviews
Margaret Sansa Washington

The concepts explained in Life-Span Human Development PDF book are not the simplest ones. But however, Carol Sigelman, Elizabeth Rider is a higly-skilled in making such kind of material easy to understand and implement in practice.
Life-Span Human Development reviews
Johnny Delaware

I found this book very helpful - Carol Sigelman, Elizabeth Rider is a great teacher and writer. Probably Life-Span Human Development is the one of the best on the topic
Life-Span Human Development reviews
Steph Wilde Totonto

No doubt Life-Span Human Development is a must-read for any entrepreneur. Many thanks Carol Sigelman, Elizabeth Rider for this book!