Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

A book by Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson , ISBN 978-1292295039

"Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management" provides a comprehensive overview of strategic decisions and operational insights. Through examples and case studies, it covers topics such as productivity, planning, and supply chain dynamics. The book offers essential knowledge for operations professionals navigating today's complex business landscape.

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Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management by Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson

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"Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management" delves into the critical strategic decisions faced by operations managers while offering an insider's view of how operations function within an organization. This 14th Edition is packed with numerous examples, solved problems, case studies, and supplementary materials to aid in the comprehension of concepts vital for today's operations management professionals.

The book covers various fundamental aspects, starting with the distinction between goods and services, outlining the core functions within a firm—marketing, production/operations, and finance/accounting—and delving into the nuances of supply chain management compared to operations management. It categorizes the subjects within the course into three primary areas: performance requirements and analysis, process design, and planning and scheduling.

Key topics discussed include productivity, which is elucidated through its three defining characteristics: as a measure of product improvement, representing output relative to input, and its role in enhancing the standard of living. Planning and scheduling are explored across three levels: long-term, intermediate-term, and short-term.

The concept of the learning curve effect is thoroughly examined, highlighting its three key characteristics: the decrease in time required to produce a unit with each additional unit, the diminishing rate of decrease in time as cumulative production increases, and the exponential decrease pattern represented by the learning or experience curve.

Additionally, the book introduces waiting line terminology, defining terms such as queue, arrival, queue discipline, channel, and phase, which are essential in understanding the dynamics of operations management.


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Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management reviews
Johnny Wilde Totonto

I am surprised! Thank you Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson for this outstanding book - Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management is surely among the best
Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management reviews
Britney2002 Sansa New York

I suppose Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management is a super informative and insighful - Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson explained all the details in a perfect manner
Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management reviews
strawberry12 -1999 Alabama

Got a PDF Kindle cversion of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management - I guess a hardcopy would be better. Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson is a top-level prefessional